Varting all over Z' World...cause I like it, I like it I la la la Like it

Ve are A Holez and we like zit

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Don't be embarressed of your fartz

Hello zer fart followerz,
 Do not be embarassed of your fartz let zem out zo everybodies can here, when you have farted admit you have farted, be zer proud of your fartz. Don't do what everybodies usally does sayz " It wosen't me"! if youz say that you are a disgrace to the fart nation. Zo do what iz right let everybody knowz zat you have fated, " I farted and I like it" or " That was a very loudz very squishy, very smelly fart". Borat has zer idea.

     Fartz for one Fartz for all.

Keep on wit zer farting.